"Meet your Ascension Alchemists"

Meghan Mac.

Hi, it's great to see you here & I hope to explore with you soon!

I am a Wellness & Adventure advocate based in the fabulous Florida Keys.  I believe in chasing your dreams and am fueled by helping others achieve what they never thought possible!
I am a RYT200 Yoga Instructor with over 20 years of dedication to my mat. I am a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner, Meditation & Breathwork Coach & Crystal Healer along with being a PADI MSDT SCUBA Dive Instructor.  I have found that many of these modalities cross compliment and also spark the sense of adventure!  I am fascinated by the stars above, the magic of the universe and the power of positive thought - all things will be, if you will them to! :)
I have been fortunate to have traveled to 5 out of the 7 continents (Africa & Antarctica, I'm coming for you soon!!!) and well over 20 countries.  I purposely choose my travel in a manner outside the 'norm' and opt for taking the road less traveled.  I aim to submerge within the cultures I visit, as opposed to exploiting them.  I choose locations that will help serve and grow them in the same way I wish to grow myself. <3
The passion behind this company has been a part of me for as long as I can remember and if you choose to embark on a journey with us, I can guarantee you will receive that level of passion in our services.  Most importantly, I hope I can spark the passion back inside of you too! 

With Love & Light,


Melissa B. is in the house…

I always find writing these so strange because I can define myself by the fact that I’m a mom of 5 crazy kids, a Certified Holistic Health Coach or perhaps that I own an Inn or a Wellness Studio…but none of those really tell you about the way my soul sings when I’m exploring somewhere I’ve never been. Or how my heart has literally re-shaped itself after meeting certain people along those paths.

What I want to tell you are during my hardest, most unknown moments, I’ve always been able to rely on resetting my heart and anchoring my soul through travel. Every. Single. Time.

I’m truly honored to be able to help you do the same and share some of the amazing experiences and places I’ve been blessed to find.

xo, mel

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Say yes to new adventures.



We think taking the road less travelled leads to a life more fulfilled. Each trip we allow the unexpected to unfold, we meet people where they’re at, we believe in magic.

Adventure begins where plans end.


Something changes deep inside when we step foot on new soil - we believe there are thousands of places worth going and we are committed to helping you get there!


as·cen·sion noun

  1. the act of rising higher

Elevate your souls position through thoughtful travel and experiences that stay with you long after you’ve left.